
Showing posts from November, 2010

Jayavarman VII (1125–1215), Wonderful King of Cambodia

Jayavarman VII (1125–1215) was a king (reigned c.1181-1215) of the Khmer Empire in present day Siem Reap. Cambodia. He was the son of King Dharanindravarman II (r. 1150-1160) and Queen Sri Jayarajacudamani. He married Jayarajadevi and then, after her death, married her sister Indradevi. The two women are commonly thought to have been a great inspiration to him, particularly in his unusual devotion to Buddhism. Only one previous Khmer king had been a Buddhist. Jayavarman's Early Years Jayavarman probably spent his early years away from the Khmer capital. He may have spent time among the Cham of modern-day Vietnam. The Cham shared with the Khmer the Hindu and Buddhist religions, as well as the use of Sanskrit as a formal language. Jayavarman's Defeat of the Cham and Coronation In 1177 and again in 1178, the Cham invaded Cambodia.[1] In 1178, they launched a surprise attack on the Khmer capital by sailing a fleet up the Mekong River, across Lake Tonl

Great Quotes from Famous people

A man can be destroyed, but not defeated, by Ernest Hemingway Always bear in mind that your won resolution to succeed in more important than any one thing, by Abraham Lincoln Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed, by Emily Dickinson     People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing, by Dale Carnegie   Try not to become a man of success but a man of value, by Albert Einstein  

Chhum Seiha's Profile

Academic Record 1992-1997: Studied at Primary School (Phum Kampov) 1997-2003: Studied at Secondary School (Hun Sen Phnom Sampov) 2003-2007: Studied at High Education (University of Management and Economics) 2007: Graduate Bachelor of Business Administration (HRM) 2009: Graduate Master of Business Administration (General Management) Working Record  2004-2005: Worked as Academic Assistant at UME (Kampong Cham) 2006-2007: Worked as Administrative Assistant UME (Kampong Som) 2007-2009: Worked as Chief Administration Officer UME (Kampong Som) 2009-2010: Worked as Admin/HR personnel unit and Branch Manager at Pachem Dental Cllinic 2010-Current: Working as Chief Admin/HR and Operation Officer at Pachem Dental Clinic